Tuesday 30 September 2014

Back to School

Whenever I clean the kitchen floor (which is not as often as I should - must clean the floor more) as I put the chairs up on the table, I get a flashback to the end of the school day.
Just checked with my 13 year old daughter and they still have to do this. They still have to put their chairs up on the table. I like that. Not everything has changed. In fact my daughter goes to the same secondary school I went to. Same uniform (not my actual uniform, oh you kow what I mean) same Headmistress and some of the same teachers. So I can't be that old....well that is what I tell myself anyhow.
39 years 134 days old in fact. Only 231 days until I hit 40Fit&Fab. The fit bit is in hand but to be fab you have to work from the inside. Learning to love who you are or who you have become. Now I am a mother of four, wife of one and very proud and happy to be so but I do have a nagging bit of creative energy which I have kept hidden away for quite some time. Partly because it is actually quite emotionally draining - the whole arty farty thing - it can be exhausting. I know that sounds dramatic but it can. Sometimes a painting will just flow from you and it seems as though you are not in control of the brush. It is like a drug and lifts you and all is wonderful. Sometimes you want to paint, draw, create and everything goes wrong. The harder you try the darker your spirit becomes. I know. Deep, right?
So with all these children my Hubby and I made, you just cannot add that kind of drama into your life. The highs and lows. Well now I am a little older and some might say wiser (although I beg to differ!) I am getting my art on again. It feels lovely. It feels bloody lovely. #artyfarty
I have done a couple of printing courses this year at ArtShed near Ware and fell in love with printing. The trouble is being an artist is expensive - being a printer is downright silly billy money!
Anyhow I am ready to move it along and just enrolled at the East London Printmakers for a 3 day screen printing course. (Very grown up of me I know!!). I love screen printing and want to learn more and this place looks right up my street. I have to be a big girl and get a train into town and everything - on my own. So it is time to go back to school. I wonder if they make you put your chairs on the table at the end of the day...


Monday 29 September 2014

Oops - Nothing Prepared

Two weeks into the blog. Now a fully fledged feature writer and some would say columnist (well no-one says that - but perhaps me - in my head) so today I have nothing. Nothing prepared. Nothing to share! Oops.
I can only apologise. I have a block. Two weeks in. A block. A writers block. Oh the angst.
When I say a block I simply mean I just have had no time. My weekend was stolen. My children took it from me right before my eyes. I was swept along on a mission of various pick ups and drops offs and much standing about on sidelines or courtside. At the time I was unaware that such wickedness was taking place as I was blown away by the sunshine!! This is September, nearly October and it was scorchio. It was simply lovely.
Then I woke this morning realising it had been taken. My weekend snatched away cruelly and all I was left with was a foggy Monday morning. Come on sunshine!!! Come out to play.
All is happy in the land of EJM though. Sometimes having nothing to report is a good thing. It means life is ticking along just nicely. Here are some of my favourite smiling happy quotes to make you think I have made a little effort with this post! 

Love Love Love this Quote

Quite appropriate for EJM I thought...

Mr Big is in California so I might get away with posting this one!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Made It Through Week 2

My Smile today is brought to you by the number 3! For those trying to work out where this phrase comes from let me tell you how to get, how to get to Sesame Street! Trying not to be Big Bird and certainly not Oscar the Grouch anymore. The pity party is well and truly over. Break out the streamers and lets have a jolly good knees up! I can only apologise for my melodramatic last post for 40Fit&Fab. I wanted the blog to be honest and from all your messages, texts and phone calls I can only assume I came across far more dramatic than I intended. Oopsie - smile is back. Like a cheshire cat. X 

River Rib using Waterlogue App

So the sun is shining out there and in my head todays theme song is very much It's a Beautiful Day with Michael Buble. Just back from a lovely walk with a gorgeous friend who always makes me smile. Those are good friends to have in your life aren't they? Ones that make you smile. The ones that make you nearly wet yourself are even better and today there were many tena moments! #illbethereforyou
Speaking of Friends. It is 20 years since it first aired on 22 September 1994. Ben would now be 19, the triplets would be 16, Emma would be 12.... I still watch it with the children so to me they are trapped in a Central Perk bubble and will never age!

Back to moi!
This week is another 3 pounds lost. So now weighing in at 194lbs. A total loss of 6lbs in the last two weeks and I am so chuffed.

More importantly than the numbers is with 236 days to go until I hit the big 40 I am starting to believe in myself. Not sure where the strength is coming from. I have great support from family and friends but this blog is a massive help. Knowing people know. It keeps you strong.

Take this week for example. I went for coffee at a friends house and I had mentally prepared myself - ignore any biscuits or goodies on the table kind of preparation. Btw the coffee was a cover. We were all simply being nosy as a friend has moved house and we needed to suss it out - like the carpet, prefer my kitchen or wish my garden was that big kind of thing. Anyway, in walks a very impressive nosy parker, sorry, guest, who bears gifts. Not only a little offering (more than I had thought of) but a homemade offering at that. I could tell by the tin that sat on the worktop that inside would lie temptation. 
Temptation. More like torture. Homemade Shortbread! The smell was divine. Yet somehow I stayed strong. Knowing three out of the four guests at the table read this blog did help. So this is working.

The exercise side of things is progressing nicely. Walking is a simple task this week and I am able to sit down without crying! Mr Big is not boring me yet which is always positive as you can get stuck in a boring exercise cycle. My Breakfast & Barbells babes at Crossfit Huntsman are keeping me laughing despite our major workouts. So all is good! 

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Hip to be Square

I smile at my fridge practically every day – it is pretty cool – cool, fridge, so clever – I know!  The wall in my office can sometimes bring a tear to my eye and take me on an emotional rollercoaster and although on some days I do feel I am losing the plot. I am not.  Sticky9 does that to you.

My smile today is brought to you by some small but magnificient magnets.

So you take the fabulous world of Instagram where we normal simple folk take an okay-ish photograph and make it pretty damn wonderful. Tweaking saturation levels or my personal faves (especially for selfies) vinergerette and tilt shift like we actually understand what we are doing! Anyway, add to that the people at Sticky9
and you get fabulous magnets to put anywhere you so wish.


What Sticky9 did is brought my little Instagram world to life. Why keep them trapped in your phone when they can be released into the real world? The small square bundles of joy came into my life over a year ago now and I simply cannot get enough of them.  I love Sticky9 with all my heart….

Wait – hold your instagram horses a moment. Writing this post can be a life changing experience. I have just found huggleup.com!!! Not only do I ADORE the name but they print 22 magnets for £12.50 which kicks Sticky9 out the park. I loved you Sticky9 to the moon and back but I am sorry we had fun, it’s not you, it’s me. Well it is you really but Huggleup have tempted me away . For now. It’s over.

Stop the press though as today (Tuesday 23rd Sept) Sticky9 are offering 2for1. Using code SGG1FREE making it just shy of a tenner for 18.  Now I am torn. My heart says stay loyal to Sticky9 they have never let you down but my head says leave them and go with the  Huggleup - they are cute, young and so lush! Oh decisions, decisions!

So I got to thinking what else can I do to be square. Turns out – if it sits still long enough - someone will print it.

I have had some of my instagram pics printed as though they were polaroids which I really love but made me feel incredibly old as my daughter asked what a polaroid was.
When I showed her what Polaroid cameras did though – it blew her mind! ‘It’s like retro magic.” Retro?

My childhood is now becoming retro. That is for another post…fruit salads, black jacks, playing outside!

Turns out it was a Big Mistake showing her the Polaroid Website and the Christmas List has already started. #notevencoldyet

ImageSnap.com will print your grams onto Ceramic Tiles!! Fab-u-lous - this is from the US of A but I am sure with a bit more googling I can find something in the UK.

Coastermatic.com make the most fabulous – yes you worked this one out – Coasters but not just any old coasters (said in the M&S softly softly voice) - these are sandstone coasters. So have to try this out despite not owning coasters so far in my life now I feel they are essential. Although they have gone against the trend and gone round!? Round ?! How vary dare they? Do they not understand it is hip to be square...?
Please tell me I am not alone in finding this square lark super lovely so much so it makes me smile...... Pretty please

Monday 22 September 2014

That Monday Feeling

I want to be honest on this blog and although the scales are obviously moving in the right direction I feel miserable. Sorry! I know I am supposed to be all positive and happy and I feel quilty because surely this is what I want? Weight loss!! This is what I have been dreaming of! So happy - yes?
No, sorry, miserable is not the right word. I am simply a right horrible cow (okay bitch - there I said it!) at the moment!! I am snappy which is not me. Very very short fuse kind of snappy. Horrible. So here is a pretty picture to brighten my day... Buggar off misery!

I think it is sugar. It is my body begging me to eat some kind of rubbish. I am not hungry. Yet my body is slapping me with headaches from hell. Slightly blurry vision at times. All that, I can deal with but this is not me. This weekend I have been pretty vile and it is not a nice feeling.
This is probably the stage where I usually break. Feeling low I suppose you are more tempted by the evil sugar trying to lure you back. Yet I know I will not.
I am not sitting crying in a dark room or anything like that. For those who know me - I am usually happy and smiling. This weekend a smile has just been a bit of an effort rather than a natural thing. That is all. Nothing drastic.
I am tired too. Storms have been waking me up in the night and then my body has screamed abuse at me from groin muscles that got lost in the 90s or hamstrings that have been lying dormant for years. Top that with horrible skin and it is just rubbish!
So I need to really channel the positivity. Believe me you have all been fantastic. High fives on the school run, messages and I even got a little gift through the post which lifted me sky high! I promise not to crack.

Mr Big has suggested I am not drinking enough. Was hoping that meant a glass of wine but no, not even a cheeky spritzer. He means water. #boring

So evil sugar - you will not beat me - I will not break.


Saturday 20 September 2014

Doggy Style

Doggie Doodles. Who is not going to smile at doggie doodles. To top that - the dog is called Jimmy Choo!!! 

So this Rafael Mantesso bloke, if you go along with the great PR angle he has created, he found himself all alone in his apartment after a divorce at 31. His empty apartment acted as a blank canvas with Jimmy Choo taking the lead. Dog, lead - genius I know. The fact I point it out perhaps makes it less so.....

So my smile today is brought to you by Jimmy Choo and his clever owner Rafael. Just enjoy these and smile..... Check his account over on Instagram for many many more!
The clan and I decided this morning to try and recreate a couple of doodles with our two doodles Charlie & Florence#doubledoodle
Turns out it is so much harder than you think! When a dog looks at you as if you are barking mad you know you have lost the plot!



Thursday 18 September 2014

I Won Week One

So the countdown to 40FIT&FAB started last Thursday 11th September where I had 250 days remaining. Seven precious days have passed by already. I had this post ready this morning but I was trying to think of a witty angle or a great photo. Nothing came to me. But do you know what? That is because I do not need it today.
I lost 3 lbs!!!!!! I was going to weigh out some butter and do an arty shot to visualise it. But you do not need that do you!?!?! Just know - I am doing this. Some days it will be pretty. Today it just means something. It means a lot. So this is the post I wrote:
Mr Big wanted to take things slowly. Now I am more of a wham bam kinda girl myself but I understand it makes sense. This is it (This time I know its the real thing. I can't explain what I'm feeling... Sorry I cannot help it - it is a TUUUUUUUUUNE).
So what changes have I made?
Eating breakfast. Check
No chocolate, crisps, cakes or all manner of wonderful sweet and savoury marvels. Astoundingly. Check
Introducing Crossfit into my life. Check
Actually being positive inside as well as the facade. Big Fat (or not so Fat) Check
Now Crossfit. I have no idea why something so evil can be such fun. I spent the weekend crying at the sight of stairs. I asked the Hubby to install disability rails and an emergency pull cord to the toilet it hurt that bad to sit down. It is a tough workout but for some bizarre reason I love it. Especially my Breakfast & Barbells classes (they lie though - no breakfast). Love training with the girls and so far it has felt like a really positive piece of the 40FIT&FAB jigsaw.
Mr Big - so far so good. He is putting up with the fact that although approaching 40 I am, in fact, a big kid and trying to work with it (it being moi).
Fish is too smelly.
Bananas too yukky.
Most vegetables - too green.
He has not growled at me.....yet.
Would I love a biccy. Check
Would I run 5 miles just for a square of Dairy Milk. Check
Weight: 197lbs (pre no. 2!!! For those who have spent years dieting you know what I mean). I remember going to a fat club with a friend who will remain nameless who actually took off her necklace before the weigh in!!  
So 3LBS down. This actually feels amazing.
If you read this far without pictures - well done!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Juicy Bits

Who knew juicing can be so much fun? So today My Smile is brought to you by the wonders of breakfast juicing!

Now Elephant Juice Mum - the name - has nothing to do with Juice at all and I will do a post about the name soon. But it turns out the whole Forty Fit & Fabulous thing - you have to have breakfast! And for me, so far, this has meant Juice.

I found brekkie a bit of a struggle. Fitting it in between sorting the 4 kids for school and generally running around like a mad lunatic usually trying to find ONE school shoe or a book bag that I know is in the house somewhere and it is hardly a mansion.

Anyway, somewhere along the way I lost my breakfast. Which leads you head over heels down the slippery slop of snacking. So Mr Big - he came up with a few things I could prepare. "Planning is key" - okay Mr Big - so young he still has a twinkle in his eye and defo does not have to get even one ickle child ready in the morning. Have I mentioned there are four of them - yes FOUR! Anyway, in amongst his slightly annoying "I have so much time in the morning" suggestions for breakfast I saw some smoothies/juices. Now that I can do. On one of my many fad (going to say the D word) diets I got really into the whole juicing revolution. Until I was starving.

So, I made up a recipe from bits I had and it turns out it tastes delicious. I added avocado because Mr Big insisted. (In fact he is a little obsessed with them). The avocado originates from Mexico and is sometimes known as the Alligator Pear which I prefer. Not a fan of the Gator Pear but blended in this smoothie it is delicious. Same goes with Banana - hate them. Add them to this though and I can cope.

 On my Facebook page (Elephant Juice Mum - have you not liked it yet - DO IT!) I have added a little Flipagram (you would think I have way too much time on my hands but I honestly do not. Just fancied doing it). Basically chuck it all in the juicer apart from the Bananas, lemon and Gator Pears and blitz away. Then use a blender to add those 3 leftover ingredients. Then, Bob is most defo your Uncle. #scrumptious
It certainly has made me smile. And making faces out of pieces of fruit - turns out that makes me smile too! #bigkid

Tuesday 16 September 2014

My smile today is brought to you by......

My new healthy clean living lifestyle (yawn) may not allow me to enjoy naughties such as biccies or cakes but that does not mean I cannot appreciate all that is wonderful about the sweet gorgeous tokens of lovliness (yes, I really miss biscuits and all their sugary goodness and it has only been 5 days!).
Thanks to the wonderful being that is the creative genius Nikki McWilliams I can have my fondant fancy and eat it, dip my digestive and I was going to put lick a custard cream but it is all getting a bit saucy - honestly - best not even think about a jammie dodger!?!?!
Now I personally love biscuits but who know they were soooo pretty. To be fair I ate them so quickly I never took time to see it myself but Nikki McWilliams saw their beauty and just look what she went and did..

I would say her most famous design - yes these cushions are seriously famous is the Tunnocks Tea Cake which was clearly the inspiration behind the Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony! Nikki does not stop at cushions with other products like compact mirrors, jewellery, gift wrap, cards, lampshades she is aiming for world biscuit lifestyle domination.

"Nikki McWilliams is a Designer and Maker based in Scotland. Her brand of bold and playful homeware and accessories is inspired by British culture, contemporary Pop-Art and a lifelong love of having a nice cup of tea and a biscuit."
A year or so ago I won a competition that Nikki ran and I was delighted to win a couple of pin badges - no I really was. (Okay I was a bit miffed I did not win the cushion). The pin badges were actually perfect for me. Will show you why on another day...

Forty Fit & Fabulous

Let the countdown begin - May 20th 2015. Tick Tock Tick Tock.

I have to get my act together by then. I have been telling myself for nearly the last decade that by the time I am 40 I will have sorted myself out. Well the 39th birthday has been and gone and I am still on the treadmill going nowhere. Still - dare I say it -
No excuses though.
Not moving enough.
Eating too much.
Not rocket science.
Not clever.
Not even fun anymore.
Facebook Entry - Beginning of Sept - Makes it real!?
Time to get my act together. No more excuses. Watch this space. No gastric band. No jaw wiring. No Tub Club. Just grit and determination. Getting some big help on board. #changeiscoming #releasetheskinny

I would now very much like to introduce to you all – My BIG Help. He is big! Mr Big (less Sex in the City Mr Big and more Big Help - just so you know!). Mr Big is Rob Schillaci (must ask him how to pronounce that – I want to do it with my silly Italian accent but not even sure it is Italian) from Crossfit Huntsman. For the record I named him Mr Big for the blog. He does not call himself that. That would just be wrong!
I know it is going to hurt physically. I think (ish) I can handle that. Mentally the battle starts here. Food is fuel. Eat Clean. I can say it all. Just have to believe it and as Nike tell us Just Do It.
The last couple of days I was clever - clearing out all banned substances from the cupboards. Brilliant! Genius?

Unfortunately they did not make it to the bin. Various ‘In Yer Gob’ recipes of Haribo, Cadburys, nutella, rubbish, pathetic and pointless! Why is that? Make the job harder by putting on a couple of pounds in the moments leading up to ‘The Diet’. BUT. Big BUT. This is not a diet. This is my life. Being serious now.

Clinically Obese – Check
Broken toilet seat because so poxy heavy – Check
Unable to look in the mirror – Check
Absorbing your life when you should just be out there enjoying it – Check
200lbs – Check (You do the maths for stones! Tonnes!)
Ashamed, sad and just downright low – Double, Triple Check

Now this is the point of the blog where I should probably put in a before picture. Simply not going to happen! Promise I will at some point but for now. NO!

I want to share this because although sometimes it feels like it - I know I am not alone in this battle. So I am logging it for all to see because this is really it. Forty Fit & F**king Fabulous (sorry for the swear word but this is BIG)

Hope you can all help and support me along the way. It is going to be BIG. #epic



Monday 15 September 2014

Hello. It's me. EJM

The first blog post. So important. It sets the tone for the whole blog. I thought this was going to be easy.

I have read up about what a first blog post should deliver. Do you really want to know everything about me? Right here, right now? Do you really need to know what my hopes and theme for the blog are? Or shall I just get on with it?

I want to be clever and witty and say something that will engage you and make you think – she is alright she is. So all I have to do is write something brilliant and you will think I am fabulous and we will become #besties… Easy peasy lemon squeezy…..#loveahashtag

What I do want - I want this blog to be like a spa day for you without having to get into a cozzie or shave your legs. I want you to get excited to visit, like it is a treat without having to do the boring chat to the therapist. You are relaxed and chilled and you leave the blog feeling a little happier despite knowing normality is about to smack you in the chops.

EJM has a simple philosophy. Life is beautiful. It may feel a little crappy at times but really – it is beautiful. So smile.

Live, love and most importantly laugh.


My Smile today is brought to you by........

My life so needs these small gardens of joy in them.
# & and @. Come on - areweheart you are breaking my arty heart making these all the way in LA.

Not to mention the NY and LA gardens but wait until you see the LOVE

So today my smile is brought to you by these scrumptious adorable pieces of wall art. I am now off to search for moss and succulent thingys and WILL make ones of these. Not sure how. Or when. But soon. Or maybe I could just move to LA. Yep, probably easier.
Art We Heart's mission is to bring you closer to beauty, nature, pleasure and play. We create and support art that momentarily "washes the dust of daily life off our souls" and fills us with awe and delight.

Bit arty, but true. #LOVE