Saturday 31 January 2015

Run Jan - Done!

I still cannot believe that I have done it. I ran every day. No cheating. I ran every blooming day. Come rain or shine!


Thank you to everyone who has supported me and especially those who ran with me now and again. It has been amazing. Dare I say life changing?!?

75.1 miles run.

Just a little matter of the Winter Run 10K tomorrow. I am most definately having Monday off from running but this is it now. I am a runner.

MASSIVE THANK YOU TO YOU ALL. It has been emotional.


Monday 26 January 2015

Day 24 and 25 - Day Dreaming

Saturday I ran 3 miles
Sunday I ran 3.5 miles.

I felt pretty good on both runs,  a little springy even! I have lost a bit of weight with all this running and blimey it makes a difference so I am encouraged to keep eating well. 

Mr EJM got me a running snood fleecy thing at Christmas trying to tempt me into running more. This was before my weird idea to run every day in January surfaced. In the bag was this card and he put it with the present. It really hit home to me. Finally after 25 days of running I really do believe it - I am a runner.

I do not mean in a Paula Radcliffe kind of way but that is the point. The minute I step foot outside that door I am a runner. Get me! A runner! 

So on Sunday when I was running in daylight I did not worry that people might see me running. 
Might see my wobbly bits jiggle. 
Might see my bright red face shining in the distance. 
I always used to feel embarrassed, especially when I saw a 'Proper Runner' but like the quote says - there is no membership card, no licence! Who cares?! I am a runner!

I ran along the river and always see this property and think how amazing it would be...  My Dad would have a fit if I ever tried to move here having worked for The Environment Agency. Living by a river - "Asking for trouble!". Just look at it though!!

So whilst running I started to design the beautiful bay window in the Master Bedroom with a fitted window seat and that top bit with all that light flooding in is just crying out to be a studio...... Might double up on the lottery this week!


Total Miles in Jan: 63.1

Friday 23 January 2015

Day 23 - Less Bounce!

Just about to go for run 23. 

Anyway, wanted to just let you know about my fabulous new boulder holder sent to me by the brilliantly named

They heard all about my Barbara Windsor booby moment the other week and sent me their top selling running bra - The Shock Absorber Ultimate RUN bra - to see if that contained the beasts, I mean breasts. 

Well they may be called Less Bounce but believe me there is no bounce at all. They are soooooo secure!! Not in a 'cannot breathe and have created forty other sets of breasts' kind of way. It is not too high up at the sides like I have found with some sports bras. It is simply great for running in. This bra is the Tina Turner of all bras - Simply the Breast! Sorry, too tacky?  

The straps are padded and so when I take it off I no longer have a bra imprint for the next two hours and honestly when I am running it is fabulous. No rubbing, no digging in. Just perfect.

The most amazing thing about this though is - IT IS BRIGHT PINK. Usually the sports bras I have had to get are dull and boring and even though there is NO WAY this bra will ever be on show - I love the fact it is pink! How blooming lovely! The peeps at were so helpful as well, really making sure the fit was just right with lots of really helpful advice on their site and in emails.

Anyway, boobs are secure so I am just off for run 23. Bit chilly out so expect there could be some peanut smuggling going on but with the layers I have on I will not be poking any eyes out. 


There is currently £5 off the super dooper Shock Absober Ultimate RUN Bra at

Thursday 22 January 2015

Run 21 and 22 - The Long and Winding Road

Thank goodness for the girlies tonight because I am so over running around these same old roads!! It is so dark in the evenings I am restricted to where I can run and if I want to avoid a hill there is only so many roads to go down!

So lucky for me I had some chatty running pals tonight who brightened up my route! We did do hills tonight which seemed steeper than ever! Running with people really does keep you going though and despite my tired legs we plodded around 3 miles today. Had a cheeky run yesterday of 2 miles in between various pick ups and drop offs of kids. Fitting in a run seems to be part of my routine now. I wonder what is going to happen in Feb!?

Total Miles in Jan: 55.6


Tuesday 20 January 2015

Day 20 - That's what friends are for

Today was a tough one. In the cold my knee was telling me not to bother but I was lucky to have a little tippy-toe motivator with me today. Somehow she managed to get me round 3 miles. Without her I would have struggled with one. 

On our runs we sometimes have a catch up, sometimes have a moan, sometimes a gossip, sometimes a giggle. Often all of the above.

I really do get by with a little help from my friends.

So 3 miles takes me over the 50 mark!!!!

50.6 miles in January so far and still 11 runs to go!! So I am now aiming to get to 75 before the month ends.

With my running pals behind me (or usually in front) I will smash it!!


Monday 19 January 2015

Day 19 - Speedy

Some days I feel like I am flying. Today was one of those days. Only 2 miles but I felt like a runner, not a plodder!

Happy Days!!


Total Miles: 47.6

Sunday 18 January 2015

Day 18 - On the Uppers

Blimey - this running lark is an emotional rollercoaster! Today it was like torture. I really could not face a run. Yesterday had really knocked the stuffing out of me so I was not expecting great things when I was reaching for the Lycra.

Now "great things" may be pushing it somewhat but it felt a million times better than yesterday and so my run tonight was complete Westlife




Day 17 - Feeling Dippy

No mojo. #bigdip

1.5miles. Hurt. No elation. No happy feeling. #doubledip

Really cold. Slippy. No bounce at all. Entire body made of lead today. Feel really heavy. Heavy headed. Heavy in body. Just ouch.

Amazing how you can go from a high like yesterday to a slump like today! 

I really did not want to run AT ALL. I knew it would be awful but the mahoosive positive out of all this is just that - I did run. And do I feel better for it? As I type this in my sweaty lycra, I suppose I do. 



Friday 16 January 2015

Day 16 - Turning Point?

I feel like I have turned a huge corner. Smashed through the massive concrete barriers I had placed around myself for years and years... This could be epic. Of course there is a huge piece of me that is like: "Do not mention it, it will jinx it", but if I did not share then it kind of makes this blogging lark pointless.

So - I used to run to lose weight. Well I tried but never really dealt with the food issues. I used to think, "If I run I might lose half a pound." The reality was after the run I used to think: "I have run so I can treat myself to a biccy." Then somehow the packet would be demolished.

A few days ago it suddenly occurred to me that I am now wanting to lose weight so I can run. I found myself thinking about how I could possibly run further, run faster if I was a bit lighter. Complete full circle.

I did not set out for this challenge to help in the whole weight loss thang or sorting head out thang. I just wanted to push myself and if I am completely honest I thought I would fail. That is what I do. Set myself a goal but believe I will fail before I begin! D'oh! I have so far surprised myself. I needed something. A new goal rather than the usual unobtainable goals like lose half a stone by next Tuesday or get into those jeans from 1996 by next month etc.

This challenge was hard but doable. I know, I know - I have not completed it yet, still 15 runs to go but I feel like it has found the switchMy re-programming switch that I have been searching for for what seems a lifetime. The switch that sets me free from years of emotional eating, secret eating, comfort eating - whatever name you give it. Just eating. 

Now I have only been eating well this week after joining a fat club and taking control so I realise I am not Slimmer of the Year or anything.....yet!

Funny how life is though. Been trying to get my head around something for so long and failing. This challenge seems to have set me free. I honestly feel different. Lighter. I do not mean on the scales. Something has changed. I need to learn how to hang on to this feeling and bottle it!! Especially as I know there will be a dip at some point. I want to be able to fight back this time. I want to be ready for that little naughty person in my head telling me to give up, eat this, go find chocolate, go find anything. I want to smack that little shitbag in the face really hard!! #gettingcarriedaway 

Back to the running. Little 2.5 mile run tonight. 

I thought I would be willing for this running madness to stop and yet here I am already thinking of next month! My aim in Feb is to run at least every other day but match the mileage of January. This running lark seems to be good for the soul so I am not stopping! #mojolikeflojo


Miles in Jan - 42.1

Thursday 15 January 2015

Day 15 - A Running Club!!!

We were like a proper little running club tonight!! 5 of us - and ones with hairy legs with two husbands getting their lycra on and getting in on this running malarky!!!! 

So despite legs aching and as heavy as lead, despite my entire body screaming at me: "ENOUGH of this RUNNING LARK!!" Despite all that, we just kept on running and we managed 5 miles. I would never have run that far tonight on my own and would have struggled through 2 - you really can get by with a little help from your friends!

To top it off I even had my own little cheerleader (Thank you Cynthia) that put a little spring in my step!

So Day 15, still running.


Total Miles in Jan: 39.6

The more you sweat now the less you jiggle later

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Day 14 - Little Grim One

Run 14. Done. 1.5 cold and wet miles squeezed in on a very busy Wednesday night. 



Total Miles in Jan: 34.6

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Day 13 - Run with Chicks Part II

My running pals were super lovely today and escorted me on a little run and took me home before they did THE STEPS

So a nice little 3 mile run with a good old natter for 2.5.

Do love running with people as it really does make it so much easier!

Day 13 - unlucky for some but lovely for me.


Total Miles in Jan: 33.1

Considering other daily sport challenges for next month - darts, snooker...

Monday 12 January 2015

Day 12 - Fluro Envy

I do not want to get too used to the knee brace so I attempted a little 2 mile run without it and I realised it was not making any difference. It still hurts but I can run through it. So Day 12. Never thought I would get this far. I am surprising myself and that feels good.

Lots of people out there running tonight in all their fluro glory and I now have fluro envy and have decided that I need to get my fluro on a bit more. 

Unfortunately this pic below is not of my run just now BUT it will be come May when me and my wonderful running buddies take on the Electric Run. So excited. #crushagrape


Off to google fluro running attire but trying not to turn myself into bigbird!


Sunday 11 January 2015

Day 11 - Best Run Ever

Today was the first day that I really very nearly caved in and did not run. Not sure why. Just tired. I was printing all afternoon which is quite draining (I know - how very arty of me - draining darling!). Then ironing and more ironing. I had the thought of not running and I am surprised it has taken until Day 11 for it to happen!

It turned out to be a wonderful run which will stay in my heart forever. I would have missed out on a 'moment' had I not run. It was not far, 2 miles. My knee still hurts but nothing too bad. It was a great run because it was my first with one of my sons. One of my girls was coming and he asked to join us so off we went. He was awesome. He tripped over twice but sprang right up. He barely stopped - only for his puffer once. I was so proud I honestly could of burst. 

When he was born his lungs collapsed and as I held him in my arms for the first time he turned blue, then purple, then all hell broke loose. To cut a long story short he needed help to breathe for a little while. Tonight as I ran alongside my little man I vividly recalled the Consultant reassuring us he would be ok. "He won't be running marathons but he will live a normal life." #runningthroughtears

Well Mr Consultant, he is 10 now and I tell you, if my boy wanted to run a marathon when he was older, he could and he would smash it. I remember being so scared and if I think back to those days in SCBU my whole body can ache just remembering. All I wanted was for him to be healthy back then. 10 years on he is a happy, healthy and scrummy little man.


Total Miles Jan 28.1
Best Run Ever

Saturday 10 January 2015

Day 10 - Saturday Night Out

What else would you do at 8.30pm on a Saturday night in January!? Go for a run of course!?!

No trouble with the chesticles tonight. 2.5 miles in the bag. 

Will not bore you with a post tonight as many of you will be out on the town. (Snuggled up in bed most probably!)


Total Miles in Jan: 26.1
Going to not talk of Speed anymore.
Weight Loss - Zilch. Nadda. But feel good. Happy Days

Dreams don't work unless you do.

Friday 9 January 2015

Day 9 - Disaster

Not my knee. No nothing as simple as that. Half a mile into the run and twang. Snapped. The pain!!! The high drama!

My super dooper strap-em and pin-em down sports bra decided to give up and set the beasts loose! Luckily Mr EJM was on the run and whilst fumbling around in the darkness with my boobies may be something he dreams about I doubt that involves layers of Lycra and being tied up by two dogs running circles around our feet. 

So he did the best he could but we had to run home rather than cause permanent damage. So tonight was just a mile. A funny old mile but just a mile. Saved by the bra. Will run further tomorrow.



Thursday 8 January 2015

Day 8 - Surprisingly Ok

Just a quickie post.

Finding times for runs is easier than you think if you know you have to do it. I put the dinner on, ran to Hertford North and met Mr EJM at the station and raced him home. He is a mad fool on a scooter. Not a motor-scooter, a scooter scooter. Bless his heart!

Anyway, he slowed down for me and escorted me home. Ah sweet. Poor chap looking all smart in his work clothes with a dumpy sweaty red faced heavy breather plodding alongside him. I may still be dumpy BUT I am out there. Running. Challenging myself and despite the slight knee niggle it feels good. It feels good to push myself. I used to train every day when I was younger. I was a gymnast. I pushed and pushed myself all the time despite aches and pains and sometimes huge fear. I think even in these 8 days I have lit an old flame burning inside me that loves all this. I want to get faster. Run further. Run better. Play netball. Get on my bike. I want to feel fit again. 

So all in all. So far, so good. Head and body are holding up. Just.

Thanks for all the support.


Total Miles in Jan: 22.6 miles
Speed: Slow but past caring

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Day 7 - Still running

Today has been a bit tough. My knee is bad. It hurts. So really I should stop. I know. I should. But not yet. 

I so want to complete the challenge. I know lots of you are telling me to stop but it is in my head to finish and at least get beyond a week!!!! I honestly thought it would be my head to cave in first. Never thought it would be my stupid old body!!! Bloody knee!

I could give in and I may well have to but tonight I will attempt to run. I have official Mum-Taxi business and then I will give it a bash. I am talking round the block at the most!

Will let you know. 


UPDATE: I went. It hurt. It is done. Run 7.

Miles so far in Jan: 19.6
Speed: Trying

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Run 6 with the Chicks

So I tell them. My knee hurts. I may not last this run. I told them all that. My running pals. My friends. Yes, yes, yes, they were going to look after me. Make sure I get a nice little run. I would be OK! Blah Blah de Blah!

They were talking utter poppycock

5.1 miles!! We kept on running further and further away from home. Little monkeys!!

I was prepared though. I had braced myself - quite literally. So although I was not great, I did manage it and the knee held out. It is amazing what a running with friends can achieve. I have been struggling to get to two miles on my own and yet I managed a long old run! 

Now I just have to get up the stairs.



Total Miles in Jan: 18.6 
Speed: Never gonna happen

Monday 5 January 2015

Day 5 - Ouchy

Managed 1.5miles today and could have done a little more but I have a sore knee.... I think my body is just in a state of shock and nothing serious. It is something that would usually give me an excuse not to run but I do not have that option. 
Managed a spot of Hertford sightseeing - Any excuse to stop!

So I went and got my sweat on today (despite my ickle mileage) having decided as it was going to be short I would try and run a little faster. So even though I haven't run far - I am knackered!!!!

What this whole exercise has done has  removed the decision making process. I do not have the battle with myself over whether I am going to run. I will run, the decision now is when and where. This time of year is a little limiting and I am already dreaming of lovely Spring days where I can go on pretty runs! Pretty runs with lovely bouncy forgiving ground beneath my feet. I am already thinking of Feb - perhaps a run every other day with a bike ride on the rest days....

No more paying out for gyms I do not use, or use enough. Just getting active and getting outdoors. Such fun!

PS Lovely school run today with lots of smiles and encouragement! Thank you x

Total Miles in Jan - 13.5
Speed - Quite zippy today as mostly downhill and wanted to get it over with!

Sunday 4 January 2015

Run 4 - Squeezed in

No alarm. I was ready. I would not say I was excited but I knew what I had to do. Run.

The cold air took me a little by surprise (not sure why because it is Jan 4th) but I was a little unprepared and was soon wishing I had gloves, running headband and jacket. I was in vest and long sleeved thin running vest. Bit chilly!

I thought I would warm up. I didn't. Yes I got sweaty and a little warmer but I never really warmed up. My toes went numb and my fingers started to hurt they were so cold.

BUT - I quite enjoyed it. It was quiet out and the frost was so so pretty. 

I squeezed in the run before taking No 2 son to rugby and this is where the trouble starts. It is not so much the running that is a problem to squeeze in, it is the aftermarth!! Hair! Washing and drying hair!! Takes FOREVER! 

One added bonus to running before rugby is that I had turned myself into a little hot water bottle and I got through the first hour standing on the sidelines without feeling the chill! #brucey 

Back to normality tomorrow with the kids at school (not sure how we will cope with the early mornings!!) so I am hoping to find some sort of schedule for my runs. 4 down, 27 to go.


Total Miles in January: 12
Speed: Great film with Keanu Reeves - second one was  bit rubbish though

Saturday 3 January 2015

Day 3 - Pain in the Knee

Alarm. Snooze
Alarm. Snooze
Alarm. Snooze

Alarm. I give in.

It is raining. My knee hurts. Not much, just a little bit. Enough to usually give me the excuse to stay in bed and give it a miss but this is Day 3.

So off I went. It was hard going today. Body was calling out to me saying: "Are you having a laugh?"

Well. No actually, I am not. Today was not funny

Now I am home I feel good about myself and a little smug that it is done with.

Only 2.5 miles today which yes I know is not that far but it included The Warren (little hill) leading into Port Hill which some might say (me when I was running it) is more of a mountain!

Day 3. Done


Total miles in January: 9.5
Speed: Not yet

Friday 2 January 2015

Good Day Sunshine!

As I went to sleep last night listening to the rain on the windows I was dreading the run on Day 2. That made it all the better when I woke to sunshine peeking through the blind!! It actually made me want to go. That and the sound of the kids already squabbling!

So I set off and I had said to Mr EJM I was going to do a quickie round the roads. Then the beautiful blue sky started calling to me to run free! So off I went without a real plan. My Playlist was making me giggle. I think I went overboard on the positivity when I made it last night. I started running to Don't Stop Believin' the uber cheesy Glee version. Then I got a giggle from the Wicked Cast singing Defying Gravity which my wobbly bits certainly are doing. You get the picture! It made me smile so that helped!
Just choosing my way as I went.
Today I did not care about any wobbly bits. Who cares - at least I am out there running. I also went into Pheobe mode (Friends) when running down a steep hill, I sort of lost any rhythm and my arms and legs were everywhere but for some reason I decided to carry and kept running like that for about 20 metres on the flat. No-one was around. Such fun!

It felt like miles. So much so that I doubted my Strava app and checked Google Maps to confirm it was only 3.5miles. Which it was. It felt like about 6!!! Honestly felt twice as far as yesterday.
It is really lovely out there today so grab some trainers, walking boots or wellies and just get out there. 


January Running Total: 7 miles
Minute Miling: Beyond Slow but who cares!
Stopping to take a Photograph just to get a break: Lost Count! Amazing how pretty things can look when you just want to get a breather!!

Thursday 1 January 2015


So I was lying in bed this morning after not much sleep and I honestly could have cried! 
So this was my head....

Why on earth did I think of this? Why would I even want to run every day? WTF? I feel a cold coming. My chest is a bit tight. Is that my ear hurting, oh blimey I have an ear infection. Stay in bed. Ignore the world...

I eventually haul myself out of bed and a sharp pain shoots through my foot and the vague recollection of falling down a curb in heels sprang to mind. Ouch. That is it. Over before I have begun. Then I was thinking this is so unfair I was really looking forward to it and I have told the whole of EJM peeps about this challenge. Then I take another step and realise it is absa-bloody-lutely fine! Oh the drama!

Mr EJM despite a horrible cold insists he is coming with me on Run 1 and a good job he did as I needed all the help I could get! Now as many of you know I do not really drink but I did notice whilst running that perhaps I had on this occasion had one too many Prosecco.

So apart from feeling a little rough we got running and I was on fire for the first 0.8 miles running at 10 min miling and I felt fan-blooming-tastic. Like a runner. A proper runner. Luckily for me this was also down the main road so people saw me and probably thought - Wow

Then I got to the bottom of the hill and things got a little tougher. I started to notice my thighs were bouncing. Actually up and down. Luckily the lycra prevents any round of applause as they clap together but I did start to focus a little too hard on all things that were wobbling.

Then I told myself. It is NYD. You are out running and managed some hills and 3.5 miles so despite - dare I suggest such a thing - a slight hangover and being shattered I have made it through Run 1. 

30 to go!


Then as a little brucey bonus when I got home I found out another featuure has been published over on We Heart Living. Jan 1 2015 and already it is a corking day! Have a good one peeps!