Friday 23 January 2015

Day 23 - Less Bounce!

Just about to go for run 23. 

Anyway, wanted to just let you know about my fabulous new boulder holder sent to me by the brilliantly named

They heard all about my Barbara Windsor booby moment the other week and sent me their top selling running bra - The Shock Absorber Ultimate RUN bra - to see if that contained the beasts, I mean breasts. 

Well they may be called Less Bounce but believe me there is no bounce at all. They are soooooo secure!! Not in a 'cannot breathe and have created forty other sets of breasts' kind of way. It is not too high up at the sides like I have found with some sports bras. It is simply great for running in. This bra is the Tina Turner of all bras - Simply the Breast! Sorry, too tacky?  

The straps are padded and so when I take it off I no longer have a bra imprint for the next two hours and honestly when I am running it is fabulous. No rubbing, no digging in. Just perfect.

The most amazing thing about this though is - IT IS BRIGHT PINK. Usually the sports bras I have had to get are dull and boring and even though there is NO WAY this bra will ever be on show - I love the fact it is pink! How blooming lovely! The peeps at were so helpful as well, really making sure the fit was just right with lots of really helpful advice on their site and in emails.

Anyway, boobs are secure so I am just off for run 23. Bit chilly out so expect there could be some peanut smuggling going on but with the layers I have on I will not be poking any eyes out. 


There is currently £5 off the super dooper Shock Absober Ultimate RUN Bra at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the test drive. I'll be purchasing mine asap! Jx
